mReplay — Instant. Mobile. Replay.


mReplay is a application for your mobile device (as used today, no UMTS or DVB-M requried) to access sport replays on-demand, with slow motion and voting capabilities.

mReplay was invented by Patrick F. Riley and developed together with John Secord and Erich Schubert.

mReplay is a masters project at the UC Berkeley School of Information.

Further information: mReplay Homepage

My Contributions

My primary focus with mReplay was on the development of the backend server, which does an automatic live conversion of the video signal (TV cable) into a format suiteable for currently used mobile phones and to offer access to this data. An important part was to limit the amount of data in order to keep the load times over common GPRS connections low.

Secondary focus was the development of the actual mobile application (working on typical mobile phones using J2ME), to give the user live access to this data and allow easy use of it (e.g. easy access to voting and slow motion, navigation within to find the crucial image to clear up the situation on close calls etc.)

Of course I was also involved, though not in an as carrying role, in the development of suiteable business models and in the automatic detection of slow motion replays in TV streams.