I’d like to make pyroman IPv6 capable. That is actually the one big thing before calling it a version “1.0”.

I must admit that I havn’t been very active on Pyroman (or Debian in general) the last years. This goes even so far as that “pyroman” was considered “abandoned” by Fedora or so. It is not; I use it on all my servers. It’s still in use at the network I developed it for (after all there is not that much benefit for a workstation setup, where a 10 line iptables script will do the job just perfectly.).

Anyway, I’d like to get IPv6 support into pyroman, but there is one big issue here: I don’t have any machine using IPv6, so I havn’t used ip6tables myself yet, so I don’t know about all the magic involved …

So if you use IPv6, it would be very cool if someone would jump in to get full IPv6 support into pyroman. Madduck had already done some preliminary stuff, but I didn’t get around to have a look at the integration or completeness yet.

The ‘–no-act’ and ‘–print’ modes of pyroman should even allow development without any IPv6 support or root permissions in the system.

Other things remaining on my pyroman wishlist:

  • Fully automatic iptables firewall visualization
  • Keeping traffic counters over firewall reloads
  • Configuration UI
  • A fancy ‘arsonist’ icon and a web page design