In case you’re wondering why my blog has become so silent (3 posts in July, 2 posts in June - yes, my posting frequency is down by a magnitude!):

About a year ago I started dancing, and this has by now become my main leisure time activity. And since I’m now off dancing (and meeting friends I know from dancing) like 5-7 days a week, that also means I’m spending much less of my free time on the computer.

It’s not just that I’m not blogging as much anymore; I’m also spending much less work on my opensource projects. Sorry about that; but all the dancing has recently been very fulfilling, whereas sometimes opensource work can be somewhat demotivating (especially when you fail to attract people to join your project).

This especially means that some of the projects I started or played a bigger role in (e.g. SELinux on Debian) now need to find someone else to take over my work. Especially SELinux could definitely use some fresh hackers.