… is rather annoying these days. Apparently this known hacker group with their powerful Windows trojans is behind the latest spam wave: they use image obfuscation that makes the average Captchas look easy.

In fact it took me a couple of seconds to understand what they’re spamming about this time - the image just contained a highly unreadable stock symbol.

I wonder if the big financial web sites (for non-experts) like Google Finance, Yahoo Finance or whatever you use for occassionally checking your stock quotes couldn’t just add a warning if a penny stock is being spamvertised.

Preventing naive users from falling for these frauds would certainly be a good service for their visitors, wouldn’t it?

And there are already websites listing spamvertised penny stocks. So dear big-financial-websites, start protecting your customers now (and reduce the amount of spam for all of us that way, since that will hopefully make penny stocks a lot less lucrative).