Sometimes, spam can be entertaining:

latest .linux kernel involves

Literally. From my “spammy” folder, with mails that score between 2 and 4 in my Spamassassin. Thats where most of my spam goes to.

Another spam that would most likely have been blocked by greylisting - but it was forwarded via another mail box not being protected by greylisting. :-(

Btw, I think greylisting could help reducing the load on, since it’s really cheap on the CPU and disk. On my server it cut down email numbers to be handled by a huge amount.

I don’t have numbers on how well it works for larger mail servers though. I guess a pure sender-IP greylisting won’t be too helpful, but a senderIP+destination greylisting (maybe just first 8 chars of destination, that should handle any +extensions etc.) should still work well.