But I’d like to be… I’d love to bring that lame old line:

My sock’s got your name on it

(Well, if you failed to successfully assassinate someone, it can still be fun to remind him for the next few hours of that fact that he’s going to die.)

Not to be confused with:

My socket has got your name on it

Becaue we’re not talking about coding, and some players have characters in their names (e.g. whitespace) that your programming language will probably not allow for variable names. ;-)

Oh, if you want to play that game some time - instead of smacking people with clean socks, you can also just use something like saying “You’re dead”. Works just as well for virtually killing people. But is probably less fun. I’ve never been running around for days trying to smack someone with a sock.

Do you know what the most evil thing is about this variant of the game? You don’t have a chance to stop him from trying to assassinate you again and again… in other game variants, you at least have a chance of defeating him instead.

Oh, and maybe Ted Walther misread the game instructions, and the reason he’s been smacking people with his toy is that he’s trying to assassinate them? Can someone hit him with a cluebat please and explain the rules of the game again?