The ICQ number 264908634 (I have no idea who this is, she claims she is a “lisa”, uses tons of annoying and not working smileys and thinks she loves me, but I’m confident she doesn’t know me either. She was very eager to give me a probably false email, though.) is causing trouble with ICQ. The ICQ “whitepages” print an error, and when you add this ICQ number to your block list in gaim, it will crash on login to your ICQ account.

Oh, and if you think of chatting up to me on ICQ/whatever, please respect a “I don’t know you, please leave me alone”, or I might not bother asking you before publishing your broken ICQ# in my blog either. ;-)

I think the fault of gaim is just not having proper error handling when not being able to block ICQ numbers. The ICQ homepage displaying this error (for a week now, that is when I first received and ignored a “Hey” from this ICQ number) however suggests ICQ (read: AOL) sucks seriously at fixing bugs. ;-)