Dear Lazyweb,

Anyone aware of a nice blog software that

  • Uses some kind of proper XML to store all data (and thus always create valid output,
  • Allows me to enter stuff using some StructuredText human-writeable markup and copy HTML fragements from other pages in there.
  • Does reasonable caching instead of doing XSLT transforms over and over again…
  • Allows me to tag posts, and provide customized RSS feeds (e.g. all english, non-personal, XML-related posts
  • Doesn’t force me to use the web to blog (like WordPress)
  • Doesn’t use PHP or ASP or JSP and a MySQL database which I consider bloated and potentially insecure - should be nice and clean code, which PHP rarely ever is.
  • Doesn’t use extensive frameworks such as Ruby on Rails or TurboGears either… I don’t want to have to install these.
  • Doesn’t bring with it another stupid user management (like WordPress and all these fancy php thingys do)
  • Preferrably doesn’t require CGI at all…
  • Doesn’t need to have comments, and lets me disable them. It’s my blog, I don’t want to have to care about spam and you are supposed to read it using a RSS reader (and no UI-hell Internet Exploder 7), actually. :-)
  • Is OpenSource, obviously. I will certainly want to remove some things I consider stupid. I’ve yet to see a commercial software I’m happy with.

And I bet I forgot some additional restrictions… Thanks for any suggestions..