I remember that someone had actually fixed the &-bug in planet.debian.org… I have more work for you: planet.debian.org is giving out wrong permalinks.

My blog’s rss contains:

[...] [http://blog.drinsama.de/erich</link](http://blog.drinsama.de/erich</link)> [...] en/2005071904-scificharmeme [http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/2005071904-scificharmeme</link](http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/2005071904-scificharmeme</link)> So it first of all claims that this is not a permalink. Then it gives a correct link attribute, third, `concat( //channel/link/text(), guid/text() )` gives the correct permalink. Apparently planet.debian.org strips the URL it downloaded my blog from off the last component and appends the guid there to generate a permalink? WHY?