I booked my flights to canada this weekend. With a little searching I got some good deals - the best price I got at the travel agency was over 50% more.

I’m flying to Montréal on July 26, and I’m returning on August 5.

On August 4 I will be giving a talk in Montréal at the “Extreme Markup Languages” conference. This is a rather techy (so not pure scientific) conference on, guess, XML. I’ll be talking about “Structure-preserving difference search for XML documents”, which is a new approach for diff on XML and other semistructured documents. You can find my protoype on Alioth: SSDDiff.alioth.debian.org.

On July 26 I’ll be going, probably by train, to Toronto, to visit a friend.

So if anyone would like to do some keysigning in Toronto or Montréal (and maybe some cities between there, like Kingston), send me a mail. ;-)