My submission to the “extreme markup languages” conference in August was accepted. Now I have (probably) to tweak my paper a bit more, and prepare slides for the talk. Including question time, the timeslot is 45 minutes, so I will have to go into details…

Anyway, this is a great achievement. My first major publication and talk at a renowned internationcal conference. And I havn’t graduated yet…

In case you are wondering: the title is “Structure-preserving Difference Search for XML Documents”, and I present a notion for difference (or actually similarity) between two XML documents (or two version of the same document) that pays more respect to the nature of XML data: I don’t care as much about the minimality of the edit script, but about the amount of information-carrying structure matched in the two documents.

It’s not a pure theoretical work, but I’ve also written an implementation, and a large portion of the submission is dedicated to an improved cost function for finding the optimal mapping.