Luis Villa blogs

about Bugzilla, comparing it with other bug trackings, and ranting also a bit against debbugs (and that the kernel folks might use debbugs: “mentioned that the kernel adopting debbugs would make the baby jesus cry” - says who, the pope?)

I hate bugzilla. The user interface is a PITA.

On a couple of occassions I did either not report a bug or not report a fix, because bugzilla just did not let me do it without registering. Maybe I even was registered in some of them, I just didn’t remember with which email and password.

Bugzilla may be nice if you use it all the time. If you are only an occasional user, it sucks. And by that, it might actually drive people away from using your bugtracking, or even joining your development team.

It is true that debbugs has its limitations, too. But I like it a lot better than freaking bugzilla…

I agree with Luis that a “bugmaster” would be nice to have. But similar to the testers in Linux kernel, this is also a job where you’ll recieve few credits. I can’t really imagine you’ll get this position staffed, unless you pay people for doing that - which Debian, for example, cannot.