Instead of hacking around your blog software to double-escape ampersands in the title, why not just fix the planet software?

I also have broken at least twice by daring to use an ampersand in my blog postings title. Note that the RSS validator said that my blog was valid.

It’s now been more than half a year I’ve been listed on planet, and every couple of weeks someone breaks planet… time to fix it, maybe?

(No, I don’t volunteer. My laptop is currently for repair at IBM. And while I have removed my disk, I don’t have my usual work environment. Also consider me to be “on vacation” currently, and NMU as appropriate.)

Sorry I can’t sign this entry or post a signed mail to debian-private. My gpg key is also on the disk not in any computer currently. But there should be no NMUs necessary anyway. Only “normal” bugs on the packages I have in sarge currently.