Alexis Sukrieh blogged

about how to fight against blog spam with cron, bash and mod_rewrite.

Why not use SURBL filter lists to prevent blog spam (I don’t have comments enabled in my blog, so I’m not affected myself)?

After all, blog spammers live on spamvertising their sites on as many blogs as possible. Now if you just lookup the domains they advertise, you should be able to get rid of most of it. Of course there will be some delay until their URL is listed, but you probably can even write a module that rechecks all comments posted in the last month to weed out spam.

Getting new domain names is probably harder than finding open proxies - and a bit more expensive, too.

Oh, and we should apply this to other referrer-lists, too: trackbacks, pingbacks, Web statistic pages.

Update: here is a wordpress plugin which will realtime check for SURBL and some RBLs.