I tried for a while to find “readahead” listings for Debian or Ubuntu. If you have some, please send me an email where to get them.

I’ve also written a small app to do better readahead. Current readahead scripts I’ve seen (from gentoo) use cat to read a file and feed the information into readahead via command line.

I have modified the original “readahead” (apparently from kernel sources) to be able of reading file listings: readahead-list.c.

The file is mmapped, then scanned for newlines. Lines with more than 1024 chars are ignored, but I don’t need an alloc this way, which I like.

I’d like to build this with diet libc, but it’s lacking the “readahead” function. Maybe the next version will use ioctl or whatever to do this…

Oh, and I have not yet tested it… ;-)