Argh. This morning I got voice-spammed in English. In Germany, on my home phone.

At first i thought it was a call related to my upcoming stay in Berkeley, but then he tried to check my email address and fax number. These apparently came from a “whois” query. He then tried to propose me a followup call to sell me investment fonds in the U.S. market. I probably should just have said “Leave me alone, good-bye”, unfortunately I’m usually a bit to polite. It took me some more minutes to tell him that I only trust my banks with investments.

This sucks.

On a different note, I heard on TV that the U.S. government delayed the release of a climate study to not be published before the elections. Bastards. Still they probably don’t intend to ratify the Kioto protocol.

The result of this study basically is that the arctic ice is melting a lot faster than expected, and that sea levels will rise due to the global warming. Interestingly, Europe will become colder, due to the Gulf Stream being diverted / weaked. Funny, today we have the first snow. ;-) They also stated that we’ll have to expect more and heavier storms.

Here in Bavaria at ~600m I of course don’t have to be afraid of the sea levels, nor of big storms: there are very few storms here. Just of the people that will need new space to live we’ll have to be afraid. It’ll become even more crowded here than it already is.