I was wondering wheter we should strip sarge of applications to make it fit onto one DVD. Of course we can use popcon ratings to just select a subset that does fit onto exactly one DVD.

But maybe it would be smarter to search for big packages in an alpha state that would be “worthless” to have on the DVD after a short time.

I’m thinking of removing packages in an early state and under rapid development. For example the “crystalspace” 3D engine SDK (which currently is not in sarge anyway, but that would be > 10 MB) - would it actually be ready for release with sarge? Wouldn’t API changes etc. break it in no time? Wouldn’t anyone developing with the SDK want to switch to a more recent version anyway?

I think sarge, being a static version, should not contain such moving targets.

And i do think that providing an official 1-DVD version of sarge is important to ease distribution by third-parties (for example included with some linux magazine). We do not necessarily need to drop packages from sarge altogether, but we should make some official “drop list”.

Preferrably we should even help distributors to strip the sarge dvd further down, for example to have additional space for contributed packages on it, or other information added by the distributor (for example adding openoffice-for-win32 and mozilla-firefox-for-win to the DVD)