I’m playing around with evolution from unstable.

Now that it doesn’t crash all the time for me again, i often launch it, since i havn’t found a way in =mutt= to provide me with such a nice overview over the amount of unread mails.

But one thing that really scares me, since the gnome clock applet also relies on this information (and the process storing it)

Evolution data server - which doesn’t have any gui at all AFAICT, still links against about all gnome libraries - does eat up more than 80 MB of RAM on my machines. And evolution-alarm is quite close, too with 68 MB.

The maildir the data server “monitors” have about 43 MB, since i move the mails into an unmonitored trash dir after 30 days.

So what the hell do evolution-data-server and evoution-alarm actually need this memory for?

Seems to me like the Gnome People should add a new focus (i really like their user interfaces, please ignore the most famous gnome troll, ogalaxyo, and his goneme). Not everything is about user interfaces, but a sensible use of resources is also necessary for good applications.