Dear Lazyweb.

A friend of mine is looking for a small web application to manage tiny classes (as in course, not as in computing). They usually span just four dates, and people will often sign up for the next class then. Usually 10-20 people per class, although some might not sign up via internet.
We deliberately don’t want to require them to fully register for the web site and go through all that registration, email verification etc. trouble. Anything that takes more than filling out the obviously required form will just cause trouble.

At first it sounded like this is a common task, but in essence all the systems I’ve seen so far are totally overpowered for this. There are no grades, no working groups, no “customer relationship management”. There isn’t much more needed than the ability to easily configure the classes, have people book them, and get the list of singed up users into a spreadsheet easily (CSV will do).

It must be able to run on the typical PHP+MySQL web hoster and be open source.

Any recommendations? Drop me a comment or email at erich () debian org Thank you.